Who are we?

OptiQA is a subscription service for global optical products, and a SeQura brand. For the consumer, it represents a collaboration between SeQura and the main companies in the optical sector. Together, we offer a service adapted to customer needs.

How long does the subscription last?

The initial subscription is 24 months. If after the first 12 months you make a change or add products, your subscription will be extended for another 12 months. If you reach 24 months without changes, the contract will be automatically renewed every month for up to 24 additional months. During this time, you will continue to enjoy all the benefits of the subscription, such as the guarantee and the free change of graduation.

Can I subscribe to my son or daughter?

Of course. This product is perfect for children: by changing their graduation more often, they can benefit even more from the free lens replacement we offer. Plus, with our extended warranty that includes damage, loss or theft, you'll always be covered.

When do I start paying for my subscription?

The subscription is activated 30 days after you confirm it or once you receive the last product you ordered, whichever comes first. From then on, you'll start to see the monthly charges on the card you provided. If we send the products to your home, the subscription will be activated on the day of shipment, understanding that the glasses take between one or two days to arrive.

What happens to the glasses when the subscription ends?

At the end of your subscription, if you decide not to renew, you must return all products. Each store has the flexibility to give a second life to returned glasses in a variety of ways, such as selling them at an outlet, donating them or reusing their pieces. This process will depend on the policy of each optician. If 48 months of subscription have elapsed, in which you have not added products or made any changes to glasses or frames, the subscription will be automatically canceled and you can keep your products.

How much notice do I need to give to cancel the renewal?

If you don't want to renew your subscription, you must let us know at least one month before the renewal date, which you will find in your contract. Once the contract ends, you must stop by the store to return the products. If you don't, the optician reserves the right to continue charging each month until you receive the products. If you need to cancel your subscription before the renewal date, you'll need to contact SeQura. This cancellation may result in penalties.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

We understand that circumstances can change. If you decide to cancel your subscription before you have received a product, you can do so without problems or additional charges. Once you receive at least one of your products or your subscription is already active, canceling it will entail additional charges. To process the cancellation, you must contact SeQura. If you decide not to renew your subscription, you must give at least one month's notice before the renewal date. There are no additional charges for this, you just need to return the products and that's it. If you decide to cancel your subscription early, you must return the products to the optician. Cancellation costs include outstanding fees, claims management fees, and compensation of 50% of the remaining fees, depending on the length of your subscription and the cause of the cancellation. If after 24 months of subscription you haven't made any changes or extensions, it will be automatically renewed every month. From then on, you can cancel it whenever you want without additional charges and only by returning the products.

How are dues paid?

You don't have to worry about making payments every month, as they will be made automatically with the card you provided. In case of non-payment you will have to contact SeQura.

When is my card charged?

The first payment will be made the day the subscription is activated, that is, when you have received all your products or 30 days after the subscription is confirmed, whichever comes first. Thereafter, charges will be made on the same day of each month. If the products have been sent to your home address, the first payment will be the day the shipment leaves.

What happens if the payment cannot be completed or a fee is not paid?

If for any reason we can't charge a fee, we'll let you know and try again for the next few days on the card you provided. From there, if we are still unable to collect it, it will be considered as non-payment. The first charge will be made the day you receive the last of your products or 30 days after the confirmation of the subscription. After this first charge, the next payments will be monthly and in advance, all charged to the same card you gave us when creating the subscription. It's essential to keep your card active and with sufficient balance. If there are any changes or problems affecting your payments, please report them to our customer care team at 93 176 00 08 or by email to clientes@sequra.es. If you stop paying, you will be in default, meaning that you must pay the following amounts: Delay of three or more days in the payment of any fee: 5€. Delay of five or more days in the payment of any fee: 20€. As long as you have unpaid fees, you won't be able to enjoy the benefits associated with your subscription.

Can I change my payment method?

Payments can be made with a credit or debit card. If you need to update the payment card associated with your subscription, you can contact SeQura. They will provide you with a link to change your card easily and quickly. You can call them at 931 760 008 Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm and from 3pm to 6pm.

Could there be additional charges in addition to the costs of my subscription?

If you're up to date with your payments, you shouldn't have any additional charges. However, if you don't meet the payments set out in the contract, charges may be added to your monthly payment. The easiest way to avoid them is to be up to date with your payments, so you can enjoy all the benefits of your subscription without avoiding penalty fees.

Can we in the family have a joint subscription?

Each member of the family can have a subscription, but for now we don't have joint subscriptions. Our products are adapted to the needs and interests of each one, so the subscription is one-person and cannot be shared.

Can I include a frame that I already have and want to continue using?

Yes, in some lenses you can keep the frame you already have and renew only the lenses, although it will depend on the policy of each store. Check with your optician to see if they offer this option.

Can I exchange my glasses for another pair during my subscription?

Of course, it's always good to renew. You can exchange one of your products for free once a year, delivering one of your products and choosing a new one in exchange. The changes are cumulative: if you don't make any in the first year, you can change 2 products during the second. In addition, you can change products of different types, for example, delivering sunglasses and wearing monofocals. Keep in mind that if the new product costs differently, your monthly fee may change. If you make the switch after the first 12 months, your subscription will be extended for an additional 12 months. Remember that you can always add additional products.

Do I need to change my glasses every year?

You don't have to change your glasses if you don't want to. If you don't make a change in the first year, you can make 2 changes during the next. If you don't make any changes during the 24 months of your subscription, it will automatically renew each month for up to 24 additional months, meaning you can continue to enjoy the benefits of your subscription. You will have the option to cancel it and return the products at any time if you so wish. If a total of 48 months have elapsed in which you haven't added products or made any changes to lenses or frames, your subscription will be automatically canceled and you can keep your products.

What benefits do I have with my subscription?

To begin with, you can choose any type of glasses you need, whether graduated or not, sports or sunglasses. In addition, if your graduation changes, we will change your crystals free of charge. Throughout the year you can change one of your products for another, either because you have new needs or because you want a change of look. You can wear your glasses without worries, since our warranty covers damage, loss or theft with a very low deductible. In addition, you have included up to 4 free eye care products or glasses per year, which will depend on each lens. In short, with the subscription, you can have the products you need to have the lifestyle you want, without worries.

What if I lose or damage my glasses during my subscription?

You don't have to worry if you lose or damage your glasses during your subscription. It's all under control. If your glasses need repair or replacement, the cost is minimal: only the equivalent of three monthly installments for the product in question. If you have lost them or stolen them, the cost is still low: only six monthly installments of the product. For example, if the glasses in your subscription are worth 4.5€ per month, the cost of a repair would be 13.5€, and that of a replacement for loss would be 27€. This option is much more affordable than buying new ones or repairing them by other means. We're here to make your experience simple and affordable.

What if I need to change my glasses because of an updated prescription during my subscription?

Don't worry: if your graduation changes during the subscription, you just have to go to your store and the team will update the lenses of your prescription glasses at no additional cost. It's one of the most important benefits of your subscription.

Can my monthly fee vary?

During your subscription, you can make changes for free, but they can change your monthly fee. Let's explain: the monthly cost of the subscription is calculated depending on the products that form it. If you don't change your products, your fee will always be the same, but if you change one product for another at a different price, this will adjust the monthly fee, either lower or higher. The same thing happens with the change of graduation: the change in itself is free, but if, for example, you change from monofocal lenses to progressive lenses, the monthly cost will change.

Can I apply extras to the glass in a change of graduation?

Yes, if your graduation has changed and your crystals will change, you can take the opportunity to add whatever treatments you want to the glass. You just have to keep in mind that these additions may vary the monthly fee.

What happens if I change my residence or have eye surgery?

If you change residence we will be happy to assist you in another store. If you justify that in the new place of residence there will not be a store that can provide you with services, you can cancel the subscription, return the products and pay 50% of the remaining fees. If you have had eye surgery and need another type of lens, you can make use of the free unlimited graduation guarantee to adapt the lenses to the new need. If you no longer need glasses, upon presentation of proof, you can cancel the subscription, return the products and pay 50% of the remaining fees.

Can I use the services in another store?

For now, they will only be able to serve you at the store where you registered. We are working so that, in the future, you can go to any store in the same chain to make the necessary arrangements.